Engine Survey
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Engine Surveys
At the time of reading this you may have decided to make an offer on a particular motor cruiser. Your broker may have advised you to instruct an independent professional marine engine surveying company to carry out a pre purchase engine survey in order to determine the overall condition of the machinery.
Diesel engine surveys typically include the following items dependent upon engine type:
Engine oil condition, coolant quality, transmission oil condition, drive belt integrity, engine mounts, electrical engine connections, fuel system (excluding fuel tanks) exhaust system, air inlet system, fuel pre filters, starting ability, smoke emission, turbo charger operation, oil/fluid leaks, external corrosion, thermostat function, injectors, crankcase breathers, overall assessment of the out drive unit, gearbox function, gear and throttle control operation, installation integrity and instrument function.
It is not possible to fully ascertain a given engine or gearboxes internal condition without opening it up for inspection, this in most cases is not practical and not desired by the existing owner and therefore the survey and report will be a guide to the condition of the examined unit in the opinion of the Surveyor based upon engineering experience and tests conducted and carried out during the survey. Compression tests on petrol engines are included however compression tests on diesel engines do not normally form part of the survey as this function would require a certain amount of disassembly of the engine, further information on this is available upon request.
Our reports are issued within three days of the survey and it is recommended that this document be fully considered prior to the purchase.